Contact Your Home Inspector!

Got Questions?

Use this contact form to get in touch with us if you have any questions regarding our services. But before you do, below this form, you will find the most common questions we get asked by our prospective clients. The answer to your question might be already there!

Additionally, if you are ready to schedule your home inspection, please visit our dedicated page for scheduling, where we ask you more details about your property and we set a time and date that works best for you.


    (945) 233-8874


    Mailing Address

    Cocco Inspection LLC
    539 W. Commerce St.
    Suite 7173
    Dallas, TX 75208


    Mon – Fri: 8am – 6pm
    Saturday: 9am – 3pm

    Top 5 FAQs

    In an effort to ensure our customers are well informed and prepared for the home inspection, we added this small section to address the most frequent questions we get asked. This way we save you time and speed up the scheduling process!

    For a full, more comprehensive list of questions, please click the button below to visit our dedicated Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs) section. In that section you will find the answer to any question you may have, regarding the Home Inspection services we provide, and some additional questions that are specific to our industry. As stated previously, if your question is not on the list, please contact us using the form above!

    How much does a Home Inspection cost?

    Home Inspections start at $350.00.

    Prices vary depending on different factors. Such as the age of the property, square footage, crawl space, and attic access, to name a few. The final price of your home inspection will be calculated once you submit the home inspection cheduling form.

    The information provided must accurately contain all the details of the property to inspect. This personalized quote will reflect the services recommended for your property.

    Can I be there during the inspection?

    YES! It is recommended that you are there during the inspection, that way I can explain what I am evaluating, this way there is a better understanding of the report.

    Should I do anything specific to prepare for a home inspection?

    If you are a home buyer, there isn’t much you can do to prepare for the inspection, but I you are getting ready to sell your home, then you could tackle items that may seem obvious and that you can do correctly, this could minimize items in the inspection report.

    How long does a home inspection take to complete?

    The typical home inspection will take about 2-3 hours to complete, however time may vary depending on the size of the house and any additional inspection services.

    How long until you deliver your report?

    I am usually completing my report during the inspection, however I like to revise the outcome and add notes before delivering. The inspection must be paid in order to complete the report and in most cases the report will be delivered within 2 days of inspection.

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